I think my granddaughter Maya and her secretly named sister, will not drive a car and probably never own a car.
My granddaughter’s children will probably ask if they had cars when they were little girls.
The Economist
Electric cars The death of the internal combustion engine
It had a good run. But the end is in sight for the machine that changed the world
A Tesla sedan can beat almost any internal combustion car on the road. It was never designed as a race car. Auto racing rules are being re-designed to use electric propulsion and regenerative energy. The challenge is making the cars controllable by human drivers.
Will people want to be fans of robotically controlled racing cars?
All electric robotic trucks are coming. Diesel robotic trucks are here now:
Death of the American Trucker
Will automated trucking be Trump's greatest betrayal of his blue-collar base?
Tim Dickinson
Electric aircraft are here too. One flies using solar power.
Green Car Reports
The US Navy is at the forefront of renewable energy. SEE:
Amidst drop in oil prices, U.S. Navy deploys 'Great Green Fleet’
October 1, 2015. REUTERS/Yuya Shino
At the dental laboratory we used a water powered torch for pinpoint soldering. It converted water to hydrogen and oxygen. It’s expensive to make hydrogen & oxygen using electricity but solar & wind can make electric power cheap, making the hydrogen & oxygen now used as rocket fuel as power for jet aircraft.
Green Car Reports
Feb 24, 2017
You’d think Wall Street would treat fossil fuel as a pariah, but Wall Street is entirely about quick, ephemeral money-making, sometimes milliseconds quick.